My journey as an Intern at Tictag

A sneak peek into our operations...

It’s been 6 months since I have started working at Tictag; a crowdsourced data annotation startup and it has been an insightful journey.

Tictag has allowed me to grow immensely as a professional in the AI space. From roles involving the technical delivery of our solution to community management, I was allowed to experience a range of opportunities. Every role I took up, came with a great deal of responsibilities and incredible experiences.  

With guidance from my mentors at Tictag and in-depth analysis done between my manager and myself, we identified that pursuing a customer operations role would be the best fit for both Tictag and myself.

All these experiences contributed to great learning. It took me little time to understand that no matter how big or small of a company one is in, all problems can be solved using the people-process-tools concept. Something my mentor highly regarded.

Today, with the experience of leveraging this concept, I’d like to share my insights on how to use “people” to solve all kinds of problems at hand.

For those of you wondering what exactly my job entails - I basically ensure the happiness of all our clients! I am the point person for all information regarding the client’s specific requirements and updates, while also bearing the  responsibility of ensuring that the datasets clients get back are of the highest quality and accuracy.

Now this is a hard job for just one person.

My accomplices? Our Taggers

Taggers are the users of our gameified mobile application. They play the largest role in annotating the data  based on the requirements from our clients. They complete tasks and play mini-games that allow them to tag data accurately and efficiently. You will find all types of people (or Taggers) on our app, ranging but not limited to, tertiary students, field experts, elderly and even the specially abled.

I realised very early in that with every additional platform of communication, Tagger accuracy  goes up a lot higher. This is really at the heart of what our team does.

We provide taggers with accurate examples of good and bad tagging along with precise, clear and concise information on the requirements of the tasks they have to do. We invest in making simple use case tutorials to demonstrate how one would complete the task at hand. We constantly take in their feedback and provide immediate solutions to their problems.

Slowly but surely, this worked wonders for us:

"our crowdsourced taggers are now consistently able to tag data more accurately than most in-house taggers."

This was an effective manner of using the “people'' element of the people-process-tools concept. But, I made sure to use the rest too! Check out my next few upcoming articles on how I used “process” and “tools” to tackle challenges at Tictag and ensure that our clients are always happy!  

By Parth Goda
Operations, Tictag

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